CLAAS Axion 810 Cmatic

The price is set up at the amount of 128000 Euro.

Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of CLAAS Axion 810 Farm tractor.

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The vehicle was manufactured in 2021.

Engine/driveline: engine cylinders: 6, 215 hp.

Wheel formula and suspension type: front axle suspension, air brakes, front tires: 600/70 R30, rear tires: 710/70 R42.

Cab comforts include working lights, passanger pneumatic seat, radio, board computer.

Number of hours: 1850.

The unit’s location is in Süderstrasse 41, Germany.

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REBO Landmaschinen GmbH

Am Bahnhof 32, 49429 Visbek-Rechterfeld, Germany