CLAAS Atos 220 C mit Quicke X3S Performance

The price is 44706 Euro.

Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of CLAAS Atos Farm tractor.

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The vehicle was manufactured in 2021.

Engine details/gearing and fuel type: engine cylinders: 3, 75 hp, transmission: Gears forward: 10, Gears backward: 10, Mechanisch.

The details on axles, suspension and euro norm include: all-wheel drive, front tires: 320/70 R24, 90 %, rear tires: 480/70 R30, 90 %.

Driving cab specifics: air conditioner, radio.

Hours of use: 87.

The unit’s location is in Germany.

If you need to get more information, please contact us.

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Duffner Landtechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Beizkofer Str. 60, 88367, Hohentengen, Germany