Claas Axion 810 CMATIC CEBIS

Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of CLAAS Axion 810 Farm tractor.

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The vehicle was manufactured in 2022.

Engine/driveline: Euro 5, diesel, displacement: 6728 cc, 221 hp, engine: FPT NEF 67, power take-off.

Wheel formula and suspension type: 4x4, 2-axle, front tires: 600/70 R 30 Vredestein, trailer coupling.

Cab comforts include fog lights, additional lights, power windows, electric mirrors, air conditioner, cruise control, power steering, seat heating, driver pneumatic seat, radio, MP3, navigation system, board computer.

Body: tool box.

Hours of use: 1193.

The parking site is in Lübeck, Germany.

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Buchhammer Handel GmbH

Roeckstrasse 38, 23568 Lübeck, Germany